
  • 2017-08-31
  • 鐘慧婷
          英國Pensions InstituteCass Business School

第一天:921(星期四)                 地點: 國泰金融會議中心
8:45 – 9:00 開幕致詞
9:00 – 10:30 專題演講一:人口老化、醫療進步與長壽風險
  1. Global Trends in Population Aging and Longevity Risk
主講人:Professor Shripad Tuljapurkar (Professor of Biology and the Dean & Virginia Morrison Professor of Population Studies at Stanford University)
  1. How Global Aging Will Transform the Economy, Society, and Geopolitical Order of the 21st Century
主講人:Dr. Richard Jackson (President of Global Aging Institution )
  1. Longevity Black Swans: Looking Beyond Past Trends to What Potential Disruptive Developments in Medicine, Healthcare, Technology and Lifestyle May Mean for Life Expectancy
主講人:Guy Coughlan (Chief Risk officer, Universities Superannuation
        Scheme )
10:30 – 11:00 點心與茶歇
11:00 – 12:30 產業實務論壇與論文發表 1  (6個平行場次同步進行)
12:30 – 14:00 精緻午餐(Bellavita寶麗廣場 4Beata té
14:00 – 15:30 產業實務論壇與論文發表 2  (6個平行場次同步進行)
15:30 – 16:00 點心與茶歇
16:00 – 18:00 專題演講二:亞洲長壽風險挑戰、政府政策與解決方案
  1. Defining Retirement Security – The Needs of Real People in Asia
主講人:Dylan Tyson (Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer ,
    Prudential Life of Korea, 韓國保德信人壽執行副總經理暨策略長)
  1. 圓桌論壇:Changing the Environment to Encourage Solutions
主持人:Ronald Klein (Director, Global Ageing, The Geneva Association)
  1. Providing Retirement Security – Balancing Value and Risk in Lifetime Income Solutions
  2. Amy Kessler (Senior Vice President and Head of Longevity Risk     
    Transfer, Prudential Retirement, 美國保德信金融集團退休事業部資
18:30 – 19:15 Drink Reception(君悅飯店3F
19:15 – 21:30 Gala Dinner歡迎晚宴與音樂表演節目

第二天:922(星期五)                               地點: 國泰金融會議中心
8:30 – 10:30 專題演講三:死亡率模型、長壽風險避險策略與保險保障
  1. Society of Actuaries Mortality Research: Implications for Insurers and Pensions 美國精算學會長壽風險預測研究計畫
主講人:Dale Hall (Managing Director of Research, Society of Actuaries)
  1. One size does not fit all: the importance of granular mortality data in pricing longevity de-risking solutions
主講人:Douglas Anderson (Founder of Club Vita and Life & Financial
  1. 死亡率模型預測與台灣壽險業長壽風險之挑戰
主講人:國泰人壽 林昭廷副總經理
  1. 長壽風險下商品自然避險效果及壽險公司因應
主講人:富邦人壽商品精算部 張正蔚經理
10:30 – 11:00 點心與茶歇
11:00 – 12:00 專題演講四:長壽風險與金融市場解決方案
  1. Evolution of Multi-Asset Strategies and Longevity Risk
主講人:Ricky Chau, 富蘭克林坦伯頓解決方案團隊副總裁暨基金經理人
  1. Grobal market solutions for longevity risk
主講人:Vanessa Wang, Amundi東方匯理資產管理公司亞洲區總裁
12:00 – 13:30 精緻午餐(Bellavita 寶麗廣場4Beata té
13:30 – 15:00 產業論壇與論文發表 3  (5個平行場次同步進行)
第一場次美國精算學會SOA 長壽風險研究報告發表與分享
15:00 – 15:30 點心與茶歇
15:30 – 17:00 專題演講五:金融科技與長壽風險
  1. Longevity risk and Fintech Long-term Care experiences in Japan
主講人:Tetsushi Yamaguchi, General Manager of Reinsurance Dept. of The
    Gibraltar Life Insurance Company Co., Ltd. (山口徹志,日本保德信
  1. Retirement saving and Fintech innovation for longevity risk
主講人:法國巴黎人壽 (待定)
  1. The Fintech solutions for hedging longevity risk
主講人:王儷玲教授 (政治大學副校長,前台灣金管會主委)
17:00 閉幕式

聯絡電話:(022939-3091 65331  emailangellin@nccu.edu.tw