
年度 論文名稱
2005 張士傑;許玉蕙, 2005, '投資型態人壽保險之風險承擔價差, ' 保險學報, No.2, pp.45-73., vol. 253474, 2005
2005 Chang, Shih-Chieh;Hsien Tsai;Li Chuan HungCheng, 2005, 'Incorporating Foreign Equities in the Optimal Asset Allocation of an Insurer with the Consideration for Background Risks:Models and Numerical Illustrations, ' Asia Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance,., vol. 178011, 2005
2004 陳俊元*, 2004.11, '兩岸保險代位法制之比較研究, ' 法令月刊, Vol.55, No.11, pp.57-78.(*為通訊作者), vol. 409577, Nov. 2004
2004 Hsieh, M-H.;D. Iglehart;P. Glynn, 2004.10, 'Empirical Performance of Bias-Reducing Estimators for Regenerative Steady-State Simulations, ' ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, Vol.14, pp.325-343.(EI, ACM), vol. 175588, Oct. 2004
2004 謝耀龍, 2004.09, '產險業顧客抱怨個案研究, ' 保險實務與制度, Vol.3, No.2, pp.103-124., vol. 178017, Sep. 2004
2004 林建智, 2004.08, '保險商品審查制度之檢討與改進, ' 保險學報, No.1., vol. 172546, Aug. 2004
2004 謝耀龍, 2004.03, '產險業顧客購買行為初探, ' 保險實務與制度, Vol.3, No.1, pp.1-25., vol. 178016, Mar. 2004
2004 林建智;楊瑩潔, 2004.03, '論投資型保險商品行銷之道德規範, ' 壽險管理, No.17, pp.257-280., vol. 158617, Mar. 2004
2004 余清祥*, 2004, 'Optimal Strategies in a Generalized Two-stage Bandit Promblems, ' Communications in Statistics:Theory and Methods,.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 147593, 2004
2004 Kuan-Chun Chang, 2004, 'Necessary Reform of Insurance Law in China after Its WTO Accession, ' SYRACUSE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND COMMERCE, Vol.31, No.1, pp.25-63.(Westlaw & LexisNexis), vol. 222721, 2004