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PhD Program
I. Learning Goals
1. General
 a. Risk management theory
 b. Insurance operations theory
2. Management-specific
 a. Establishment and application of risk management strategies.
 b. Operations of policy insurance and commercial insurance
 c. Drafting and promotion of insurance regulations and supervisory policies
II. Teaching and Learning
The teaching and learning of PhD program aim to promote the academic development of risk management and insurance theories to enhance the research and education standards of this field.
III. Student Focus
Based on the areas of specialization, the PhD program has three sections: law, management, and actuarial science. Journal papers will be the main teaching materials to develop students into outstanding scholars and educators of respective expertise.List of Required Professional Courses for the Statistics and Actuarial Science (PhD) Program (Apply to students enrolling as of academic years 2016-2018)

Courses   Required    Field Required Credits Freshman Sophomore Remarks
Semester I Semester II Semester I Semester II
Academic Ethics Academic Ethics Required 0          
International Perspective of Insurance Regulation International Perspective of Insurance Regulation Required 3         Law Section
  • Select two of the following four field required courses: Analysis of Insurance Case, Comparative Study on Insurance Law, Seminars on Public Policy Insurance, and Seminar on Insurance Policy, totally 6 credits.
  • The Insurance Theory is co-offered with the master’s program. PhD students of the Law Section who have completed this course in the master’s program may take other courses to substitute this course.
Seminar on PRC Insurance Law Seminar on PRC Insurance Law Required 3        
Seminar on Related Subjects of Insurance Law Seminar on Related Subjects of Insurance Law Required 3        
Anglo-American Insurance Law and Cases Anglo-American Insurance Law and Cases Required 3        
Financial Holding Company Regulation and Risk Management Financial Holding Company Regulation and Risk Management Required 3        
Insurance Theory Insurance Theory Required 3        
Analysis of Insurance Case Analysis of Insurance Case Field 3        
Comparative Study on Insurance Law Comparative Study on Insurance Law Field 3        
Seminars on Public Policy Insurance Seminars on Public Policy Insurance Field 3        
Seminar on Insurance Policy Seminar on Insurance Policy Field 3        
Insurance Economics Seminar Insurance Economics Seminar Required 3         Management Section
Electives must be approved by the department.
Seminar of Insurance Industry Seminar of Insurance Industry Required 3        
Special Topics of Insurance Financial Analysis Special Topics of Insurance Financial Analysis Required 3        
Longevity Risk and Pension Seminar Longevity Risk and Pension Seminar Required 3        
Seminar in Risk Management Seminar in Risk Management Required 3        
Microeconomics Microeconomics Required 3        
Econometrics Econometrics Required 3        
Actuarial Mathematics Seminar Actuarial Mathematics Seminar Required 3         Actuarial Section
The Insurance Theory is co-offered with the master’s program. PhD students of the Law Section who have completed this course in the master’s program may take other courses to substitute this course.
Selected Topic in Continuous Time Finance Selected Topic in Continuous Time Finance Required 3        
Insurance Theory Insurance Theory Required 3        
Econometrics Econometrics Required 3        
Mathematical Statistics Mathematical Statistics Required 3        
Financial Economics Financial Economics Required 3        
  Required course credits of each section: 24 credits for the Law Section, 21 credits for the Management Section, and 18 credits for the Actuarial Section.
  Minimum graduation credits: 32 credits for the Law Section, 40 credits for the Management Section, and 24 credits for the Actuarial Section.
  Special course requirements
  1. A dissertation can be written in Traditional Chinese or English.
  2. PhD students of this department must pass the required English proficiency test before submitting the degree examination transcript.
Please contact the office of the Department of Risk Management and Insurance for program details. Phone: (02) 2939-3091 ext. 89071