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Undergraduate program
I. Learning Goals
The undergraduate program of this department aims to equip students with the ability to make risk management planning for themselves and organizations, the competency to work in the insurance-related industries, and the expertise to offer risk management and insurance service for other organizations.
II. Research and Development
Knowledge of insurance and risk management is the focus of research and development for the undergraduate program. We also enhance the cultivation of professional competency in human resources for areas including law, management, and actuarial science to demonstrate influence of insurance and risk management on society and policy consultation.
III. Teaching and Learning
To fulfill enterprises’ demand for risk management and insurance expertise, and to cultivate risk managers for enterprises and insurance managers for the financial industry.
IV. Student Focus
Through the training of core professional courses and appropriate practical specialties with the support of various college courses, we aim to develop the ability to analyze, assess, and manage risks and the ability to resolve actual insurance and risk problems in students.
V. Enterprise [Collaboration] Development:
To effectively implement knowledge-action integration and connect professional theory with enterprise practice, apart from offering practical courses in collaboration with leading domestic enterprises by inviting field experts to give courses, we hold seminars with enterprises periodically.  We also plan enterprise visits and enterprise internships to acquaint students with enterprises for students to personally experience practical operations to support learning. Through interactions with enterprises, we can understand the talent demand in the field to bridge the education-employment gap.
Curriculum Planning (required courses are subject to change for students of different enrollment years. Please check with the program notice for each academic year) 
List of Professional Required Courses for the Statistics and Actuarial Science (Undergraduate) Program (Apply to students enrolling as of academic year 2016)
Courses   Required
Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Remarks
(Description of pre-requisites or fields)
Semester I Semester II Semester I Semester II Semester I Semester II Semester I Semester II
Introduction to Business Introduction to Business Field 3                 1 of 2, College Required
Management   Field 3                
Social Responsibility and Ethics Social Responsibility and Ethics Required 1                 College Required
Insurance Theory and Principles Insurance Theory and Principles Required 3 3                
  Economics Required 6 3 3             College Required
Calculus Calculus Required 6 3 3             College Required (3 credits)
Introduction to Civil Law Introduction to Civil Law Required 4 2 2              
  Fundamental Accounting (I) Required 3 3               College Required
Fundamental Accounting (I) Fundamental Accounting (I) Required 3   3             College Required
Risk Management Risk Management Required 3   3              
Life Insurance Life Insurance Required 3     3            
Statistics Statistics Required 6     3 3         College Required
Financial Management Financial Management Required 3       3          
Commercial Law Commercial Law Required 2       2         Commercial Law offered by Lecturer Cheng-wei Wang, of the Institute of Law and Inter-Discipline
Non-Life Insurance Non-Life Insurance Required 3       3          
Insurance Law Insurance Law Required 3         3         Pre-requisites: Insurance Theory and Principles, Life Insurance, and Civil Law
Actuarial Mathematics Actuarial Mathematics Required 3         3        
Liability Insurance Liability Insurance Required 2           2      
Re-insurance Re-insurance Required 3           3      
Social Insurance Social Insurance Required 3           3      
Managing Pension Plan and Financing Retirement Managing Pension Plan and Financing Retirement Required 3             3    
Seminar on the Operation of Risk Management and Insurance Business Seminar on the Operation of Risk Management and Insurance Business Required 2               2  
Total   68                  
  Minimum graduation credits: 128 credits
  Special course requirements
  1. Students must apply to the department chairperson for permission before taking a professional required course of the department offered by other departments.
  2. Credits earned from the Military Training course will not be included in the graduation credits, and only 2 credits earned from the Physical Exercise course will be recognized in the graduation credits.
Please contact the office of the Department of Risk Management and Insurance for program details. Phone: (02) 2939-3091 ext. 89071