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Preface, History, and Growth

Preface, History, and Growth
The department of Risk Management and Insurance was established in 1985 to offer graduate level education in insurance under the name of Graduate Institute of Insurance.
The blueprint for developing the undergraduate program of the Department was created in 1989. Official establishment of the program was approved by the Ministry of Education in 1990, and the first class of freshmen were admitted in the same year. Because our society is in great need of risk and insurance managers, our effort to prepare students with quality education and specialized training ensures a steady supply of top-quality risk and insurance professionals. We are proud to say that these efforts have been well recognized. Through the Joint College Entrance Examination, the Department has attracted many of Taiwan’s top students. In response to the needs of profession of risk management and insurance, the Ph.D. program was established in 2003 and this program is the pioneer in Taiwan. These well-integrated programs have enhanced the Department’s ability to provide the society top-rated risk management talent.
 2017.10.23 updated