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Undergraduate ProgramLearning Goal 【Undergraduate Program】
- Introduce and stimulate an environment of broad learning, collaboration, and solution based strategic thinking among students and faculty, utilizing international competitions, bilateral exchange arrangements, and internships with local and international corporations and institutions.
- Educate students with the fundamental principles of risk management through theoretical models and learning methodologies that establish a base of knowledge (platform) for further development of their risk management conceptualization, future industry careers and / or advanced study.
- To equip students with a general framework for understanding the effects of risk, the tools and methods used to measure and manage risk, the process of making risk management decisions, and a broad knowledge of risk management and insurance.
- To enable students to apply internationally recognized marketing ideas, concepts and strategies suitable for contemporary life and the business world, especially for managers of the financial services industry,
- To broaden students' horizons through English language capabilities that enable competitiveness among their peers internationally. Students are expected to be able to communicate with others in English correctly, and effectively, especially when discussing international trade and financial service practices.
- Introduce students to risk and insurance knowledge, expertise and practical techniques for nontraditional applications that will enable them to apply their skills and aptitude within their chose fields of further study or non-academic careers effectively.
- Encouraging academic excellence through the introduction of select non-standardized risk and insurance industry disciplines, and preparing students to work in actuarial management in respect of the major types of liability structures.
- Introducing students to the many risk and insurance products available internationally, include a brief description of the types of products available and how they are distributed.
- To cultivate students capabilities of analyzing and summarizing complex insurance and risk related issues and to further examine the implications of these issues for marketing and consumer and societal well-being.
- To provide undergraduates an understanding of the fundamental concepts of accounting, statistics, calculus, pricing and reserving for life insurance products, and financial mathematics. This core knowledge gives students a foothold to developing their analytical abilities in broader and more complex theories such as actuarial models and the application of those models to insurance and other financial risks; as well as technological prowess in the way financial knowledge is amassed, calculated, and used in practice.
- To learn and apply the knowledge of risk management and insurance topics for differentiation and integration within advanced technological endeavors as related to a student’s future academic pursuits or non-academic career path.
- To provide a basic understanding of the psychological, sociological, and economic processes influencing consumer choices regarding insurance and risk management. To examine the implications of these factors for marketing, consumer behavior and societal well-being.
- To present relevant, contemporary knowledge, theories, and case studies that establish the differences between risk management and insurance management, while stimulating students' understanding of the broad effects of risk in society; i.e. Government policy and governance, social welfare, economic processes, and the psychological underpinnings of risk management. Allow students a gateway to actuarial sciences licensing and accreditation.
- To enhance the students’ insurance knowledge, expertise and practical techniques for preparing them for careers in the insurance industry or for advanced study after graduation.
Graduate Program
- To promote broad thinking among students through intensive review of case presentations, mini cases, insurance industry studies, analysis of foreign markets and how they structure risk and insurance related financial products.
- Through its three concentrations of Law, Management and Actuarial Science, the graduate program allows students to merge their relevant experiences in industry with academic principles for the maturation and further development of insurance and risk product knowledge.
- To equip students with a general framework for understanding the theories of regulation for insurance and other financial services and the core principles for insurance regulation promoted by the International Association and Insurance Supervisors (IAIS). As regulatory issues are constantly changing, related courses will be focused on stimulating critical thinking and the promotion of problem solving skills to better prepare students for applying general concepts to new types of regulatory policy issues.
- To reinforce the business and financial principles, origins and practical considerations within the global market which gave rise to the need for the fields of risk management and insurance.
- To enforce a dynamic internationalized learning environment through English oral presentations and written reports, fostering students to become proficient experts of insurance laws, policies and applications after extensive and essential training.
- Foster students' analytical abilities through both the fundamental principles of risk management and the practical applications of it for solution based conceptualization of risk management issues. Promote a learning platform that exemplifies and showcases the efficient and effective skills relevant to various enterprises, especially in the financial services industry.
- Utilizing seminars and contemporary knowledge that is constantly changing to re-introduce and bolster students' knowledge of the types of insurance & risk management financial available and how they are distributed thereby cultivating students capabilities of analyzing and summarizing complex insurance and risk related issues.
- Establishing and fermenting students' understanding of both practical and advanced topics in insurance accounting, applied statistics, actuarial mathematics, as well as other financial mathematics and widely used critical foundations for understanding, evaluation and the development of insurance & risk related products. This core knowledge gives students a foothold to developing their analytical abilities in broader and more complex theories such as actuarial models and the application of those models to insurance and other financial risks; as well as technological prowess in the way financial knowledge is amassed, calculated, and used in practice.
- To establish a practical base for the application of insurance & risk knowledge through actuarial sciences, a legal framework, and managerial concepts. Broad topics include GAAP and SAP accounting rules, Financial Early Warming Systems, Insurance Reserve, Commission System and Insurance Guarantee Funds.
- To develop the basic microeconomic and macroeconomic models for risk and insurance within the setting that economic agents (people in society) are constantly faced with uncertainty.
- Establishing a foundation for students to understand consumer behavior, through the meaningful application of economic indicators and social norms, means, etc., as related decision making under uncertainty, insurance demand, adverse selection, moral hazard, and insurance company operations.
- The models and cases introduced to students are adaptable to many situations in finance and economics, however, develop students understanding with a emphasis on risk management & insurance markets as a means of transferring risk and wealth.