NCCU Ext. | 81231 |
Teaching Field | 保險財務與金融機構效率 |
Degree | Ph.D., Finance and Insurance, Rhode Island |
Job Title | Professor |
Year | Paper Title |
2010 | 鄭士卿, 2010.07, 'World Congress of Insurance, ' World Congress of Insurance., Jul. 2010 |
2004 | Born Patricia;Vivian Jeng;McNamara Michael*, 2004.08, 'An Examination of the Efficiency of HMO, ' American Risk and Insurance Association, American Risk and Insurance Association Meeting.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2004 |
2004 | Fok Robert;Chang Yuanchen;Vivian Jeng*, 2004.07, 'Effects of Employee Stock Bonuses on Productive Efficiency: Evidence from Taiwan’s Electronic Industry, ' Asian Financial Management Association, Asian Financial Management Association.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2004 |
2004 | Jennifer Wang;Vivian Jeng*;Jin-Lung Peng, 2004.07, 'How Corporate Governance Structure Affects the Performance of Insurance Companies, ' Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association, Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2004 |
2003 | Vivian Jeng*;Gene C Lai;McNamara Michael, 2003.01, 'Life Insurer Demutualizations in U.S.: Implication on the Performance and Efficiency, ' Western Risk and Insurance Association Meeting, Western Risk and Insurance Association.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2003 |
2000 | Vivian Jeng*;Gene C Lai;June H Soo, 2000.08, 'The Impact of Deregulation and Liberalization on Efficiency: An Analysis of Life Insurance Industry in Taiwan, ' American Risk and Insurance Association Meeting, American Risk and Insurance Association.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2000 |
1999 | 鄭士卿, 1999.08, 'Ownership Structure, Agency Cost and Efficiency: Comparison of Keiretsu versus Independent Insurers in Japanese Non-life Insurance Industry, ' the 1998 American Risk and Insurance Association Meeting, *., Aug. 1999 |
1999 | 鄭士卿, 1999.08, 'Organizational Structure and Efficiency: The Case of Life Insurer Demutualization, ' the 1999 American Risk and Insurance Association Meeting, *., Aug. 1999 |
1997 | Gene C Lai;Limpaphayom Piman;Vivian Jeng*, 1997.08, 'Ownership Structure and Risk Taking Behavior in the Japanese Non-Life Insurance Industry, ' American Risk and Insurance Association Meeting, American Risk and Insurance Association.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 1997 |
Project Category | Year | Project Title | Participator | Job Title | Period | Unit |
MOST Projects | 111 | 獨立董事、董監事責任險及新冠肺炎的影響 | JENG SHIH-CHING | Principal Investigator | 2022.08 ~ 2024.01 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 109 | 購買行為是否可以預估公司未來表現?以董監事責任險為例 | JENG SHIH-CHING | Principal Investigator | 2020.08 ~ 2023.01 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 107 | 董監事責任險之購買行為差異:穩定購買之影響(2/2) | JENG SHIH-CHING | Principal Investigator | 2019.08 ~ 2021.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 107 | 董監事責任險之購買行為差異:穩定購買之影響(1/2) | JENG SHIH-CHING | Principal Investigator | 2018.08 ~ 2021.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 106 | 購買行為差異對現金增資的影響:董監事責任險之分析 | JENG SHIH-CHING,JENG SHIH-CHING | Principal Investigator | 2017.08 ~ 2018.10 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 102 | 保險公司之市場競爭力、清償能力與不對稱資訊分析 | JENG SHIH-CHING | Principal Investigator | 2013.08 ~ 2014.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 99 | 保險公司之績效、成長與風險承擔分析(3/3) | JENG SHIH-CHING | Principal Investigator | 2012.08 ~ 2013.12 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 99 | 保險公司之績效、成長與風險承擔分析(2/3) | JENG SHIH-CHING | Principal Investigator | 2011.08 ~ 2012.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 99 | 保險公司之績效、成長與風險承擔分析(1/3) | JENG SHIH-CHING | Principal Investigator | 2010.08 ~ 2011.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 96 | 銀行業公司治理及成本綜效與效率之相關性探討(3/3) | JENG SHIH-CHING | Principal Investigator | 2009.08 ~ 2010.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 96 | 銀行業公司治理及成本綜效與效率之相關性探討(2/3) | JENG SHIH-CHING | Principal Investigator | 2008.08 ~ 2009.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 96 | 銀行業公司治理及成本綜效與效率之相關性探討(1/3) | JENG SHIH-CHING | Principal Investigator | 2007.08 ~ 2008.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 95 | 金融整併可行性之探討:以台灣公民營銀行效率分析為例 | JENG SHIH-CHING | Principal Investigator | 2006.08 ~ 2007.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 94 | 論不良債權對日本銀行業效率之影響 | JENG SHIH-CHING | Principal Investigator | 2005.08 ~ 2006.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 92 | 論“入世”前後中國保險業之清償能力及組織結構對效率之影響 | JENG SHIH-CHING | Principal Investigator | 2003.08 ~ 2004.07 | |
MOST Projects | 91 | 論股權結構及效率之關係:以美國相互壽險公司股權轉換為例 | JENG SHIH-CHING | Principal Investigator | 2002.08 ~ 2003.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
Year | Research Title | Publish Date | Authors |
2003 | Vivian Jeng*, 2003.08, '論”入世” 前後中國保險業之清償能力及組織結構對效率之影響, ' 國科會.(*為通訊作者) | 2003-08-01 | |
2002 | 鄭士卿, 2002.08, '論股權結構及效率之關係:以美國相互壽險公司股權轉換為例, ' 國科會. | 2002-08-01 |
Country | School Name | Department | Degree | Duration |
U.S.A. | 美國羅德島大學 | Finance and Insurance | 博士 | 1996.09 ~ 2001.05 |
U.S.A. | 美國馬利蘭大學 | 商業及管理學類 | 碩士 | 1994.09 ~ 1996.05 |
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA | 國立臺灣大學 | 財務金融(學)系 | 學士 | 1990.09 ~ 1994.06 |
Experience Category | Organization Title | Department | Job Title | Duration |
Current | NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY | Department of Risk Management and Insurance | 教授 | 2022.02 ~ Up to today |
Current | NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY | Department of Risk Management and Insurance | 副教授 | 2013.01 ~ 2021.08 |
Current | NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY | Department of Risk Management and Insurance | 副教授 | 2007.08 ~ 2013.01 |
Current | NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY | Department of Risk Management and Insurance | 助理教授 | 2001.08 ~ 2007.08 |
Honor Category | Year | Award Name | Awarding Unit |
Inside School | 110 | 資深優良教師(20年) | 國立政治大學 |
Inside School | 100 | 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 | 科技部(國科會) |
Inside School | 100 | 資深優良教師(10年) | 國立政治大學 |
Inside School | 96 | 學術研究成果國際化優等研究獎 | 政治大學 |
Inside School | 94 | 學術研究成果國際化優等研究獎 | 政治大學 |