
- Journal Paper
- Conference Paper
- Book / Book Chapter
- Project
- Research Project
- Degrees
- Experience
- Honor
Year | Paper Title |
2014 | Kuan-Chun Johnny Chang*, 2014.08, 'Comparative Studies Regarding the Similarities and Diversities of the Regulations Regarding Earthquake Insurance : Examples of U.S., Japan, New Zealand, Turkey and Taiwan, ' 2014 Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association, Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2014 |
2014 | Kuan-Chun Johnny Chang*, 2014.07, 'Should International Standards on Regulating Global systemically Important Insurers Diverges from Those of Banks, ' Society of International Economic Law 2014 Conference, Society of International Economic Law.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2014 |
2014 | 張冠群*, 2014.05, 'Regulating Viatical Settlement Contracts in Taiwan -- Traditional Way or Modern Way?, '.(*為通訊作者), May. 2014 |
2013 | 張冠群*, 2013.12, '由銀行之特性論銀行業之公司治理--以銀行之風險管理機制為中心, ' 公司治理法制學術研討會, 政治大學法學院公司治理法制研究中心.(*為通訊作者), Dec. 2013 |
2013 | 張冠群*, 2013.12, '台灣保險法關於日間住院之理賠爭議, ' 第二屆滬上保險論壇, 上海交通大學.(*為通訊作者), Dec. 2013 |
2013 | 張冠群*, 2013.11, '台灣保險法關於履行道德上義務所生損失, ' 第三屆兩岸民商法論壇, 北京航空航天大學法學院.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2013 |
2013 | 張冠群*;李慧芳*, 2013.11, '台灣引進專利保險之法律問題, ' 2013 銘傳大學兩岸暨國際財金法學學術研討會, 銘傳大學法學院.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2013 |
2013 | Kuan-Chun Johnny Chang*, 2013.07, 'Regulating the Moral Hazard of Global Systemically Important Financial Institutions – A Critical Analysis on the Approaches of the Financial Stability Board and the Basel Committee, ' 2013 AIELN Biannual Conference, Ewha Women''s University and Asia International Economic Law Network.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2013 |
2013 | Kuan-Chun Johnny Chang*, 2013.07, 'Identifying the Character of the Separate Account of the Investment-Linked Insurance Products in China from Theoretical and Comparative Law Perspectives – A Permanent Solution for Issues of Present Laws and Regulations in China, ' Annual Conference of Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association, Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2013 |
2013 | 張冠群*, 2013.06, '創業家透過非傳統資本市場工具之籌資管道, ' 兩岸多層次及區域性資本市場法制研討會, 陝西省法學會金融法研究會.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2013 |
2013 | 張冠群*, 2013.03, '金融危機後系統性重要金融機構監理法制之變革--監評我國現行銀行監理制度, ' 2013 金融法學術研討會, 文化大學法學院.(*為通訊作者), Mar. 2013 |
2012 | kuan-Chun Chang, 2012.08, 'A Critical Analysis on the 2009 Amendment of the Insurance Law of PRC Regarding Insurance Contracts, ' RIM International Seminar Series, Research Institute of Insurance Market/Htotsubashi University., Aug. 2012 |
2012 | kuan-Chun Chang, 2012.05, 'Milestone Legislation in Financial Consumer Protection in East Asia – Explanation and Critiques on the New Consumer Financial Protection Act in Taiwan, ' 9th Asian Law Institute Annual Conference, Asian Law Institute/National University of Singapore., May. 2012 |
2012 | 張冠群, 2012.05, '保險契約條款「疑義」之認定與解釋:評臺灣高等法院一○○年保險上易字第一號判決, ' 第二屆金融與保險學術研討會, 東海大學法學院., May. 2012 |
2012 | kuan-Chun Chang, 2012.01, 'An Optimal Global Regime for Regulating Credit Rating Agencies in the Post Financial Crisis Era – From the Perspective of the Appropriate Role of the Rating Agencies in the Capital Market, ' New Frontier of International Economic Law, Society of International Economic Law., Jan. 2012 |
2011 | 張冠群, 2011.11, '台灣保險法關於危險增加通知義務的解構與檢討, ' 兩岸民法前沿論壇, 北京航空航天大學法學院., Nov. 2011 |
2011 | 張冠群, 2011.10, '台灣金融消費者保護法第九條關於商品適合性義務之分析, ' 兩岸金融消費者保護法制研討會, 西北政法大學經濟法學院., Oct. 2011 |
2010 | 張冠群, 2010.11, '台灣保險法關於惡意複保險法律效果之檢討與修正建議, ' 2010兩岸保險與金融法制學術研討會, 陝西省金融法學會., Nov. 2010 |
2010 | 張冠群, 2010.10, '企業因氣候變遷所生損害賠償責任之風險管理--以美國法為例, ' 氣候變遷與歐美政策的回應學術研討會, 中央研究院歐美研究所., Oct. 2010 |
2010 | 張冠群, 2010.07, 'Catastrophic Harm – National Report of Laws and Regulations in Taiwan, ' XVIII International Congress of comparative Law, International Academcy of Comparative Law., Jul. 2010 |
2010 | 張冠群, 2010.05, 'The Insurability of Terrorism Risk and the Response of Laws and Regulations, ' 7th ASLI Annual Conference, Asian Law Institute., May. 2010 |
2010 | 張冠群, 2010.04, '台灣保險法關於違反告知或通知義務保費不退還規定之檢討, ' 金融市場監理趨勢研討會, 東海大學法律系., Apr. 2010 |
2010 | Johnny Chang, Kuan-Chun, 2010.01, 'ASLI Seminar on "Commentaries on the Recent Amendment of the Insurance Law of The People’s Republic of China – from the Perspective of Comparative Law, ' ASLI Working Paper Series, Asian Law Institute, pp.1-50., Jan. 2010 |
2010 | 張冠群, 2010.01, '兩岸金融監理之配套, ' 兩岸經貿論壇, 新台灣人文教基金會, pp.8-28., Jan. 2010 |
2009 | 張冠群, 2009.11, '國家賠償責任與保險責任競合相關問題之再思考, ' 國家賠償實務研討會, 台北市政府法規會., Nov. 2009 |
2009 | 張冠群, 2009.06, '共同基金經理人為自己利益交易之監理, ' 金融監理法規新趨勢研討會, 國立台灣大學法學院企業金融法制研究中心, pp.3-26., Jun. 2009 |
2009 | Kuan-Chun Chang, 2009.05, 'From Zero to Something: The Necessity of Establishing a Regulatory System for Financial Conglomerates in China, ' 6th Asian Law Institute annual Conference, Asian Law Institute., May. 2009 |
2009 | 張冠群, 2009.04, '氣候變遷對責任保險法制之影響, ' 2009趙德書教授榮退暨財經法新趨勢研討會, 國立政治大學法學院, pp.2-5-1 ~2-5-29., Apr. 2009 |
2008 | 張冠群, 2008.10, '碳信用交易之理論與法制分析, ' 九十七學年度第一學期財經法律論壇, 中正大學法學院., Oct. 2008 |
2008 | 張冠群(Kuan-Chun Chang), 2008.10, 'The Status Quo and the Future of Laws and Regulations Regarding the Supervisions of Financial Holding Companies in Taiwan, ' Legal Issues of International Money Shift, Ajuo University, Korea, pp.3-1 ~ 3-23., Oct. 2008 |
2008 | 張冠群, 2008.09, '香港競爭法與消費者保護:對瑕疵試驗之繳正 (中文譯作), ' 東亞地區消費者保護法國際研討會, 政治大學法學院民事法律研究中心., Sep. 2008 |
2008 | 張冠群, 2008.06, '台灣投資型保險商品分離帳戶法律規範之檢驗—理論與比較法之觀察, ' 2008 財經法新趨勢研討會, 政治大學頂尖大學發展計畫之法學院特色發展計畫., Jun. 2008 |
2008 | 張冠群, 2008.06, '投資連結型保險分離帳戶之性質及其監管 – 理論與比較法之觀點, ' 2008年兩岸財經法論壇, 華東政法學院., Jun. 2008 |
2008 | Kuan-Chun Chang, 2008.05, 'Identifying the Character of the Separate Account of the Investment-Linked Insurance Products in China from Theoretical and Comparative Law Perspectives – A Permanent Solution for Issues of Present Laws and Regulations Regarding the Admini, ' Asian Law Institute 5th Annual conference, Asian Law Institute, pp.光碟., May. 2008 |
2007 | 張冠群, 2007.09, 'The Teaching of Law in the United States: Obeservations on the Case Method and the Socratic Method in Comparison with Taiwanese Pedagogies, ' 專業法學教育國際會議, 政治大學法學院., Sep. 2007 |
Year | Book Title |
2018 | 張冠群*, 2018.12, '臺灣引進專利權保險制度之法律問題研究─理論與比較法的觀點, ' 現代財經法課題:賴源河教授八秩華誕祝壽論文集, 五南, pp.679-704.(*為通訊作者), 425397, Dec. 2018 |
2017 | Kuan-Chun Johnny Chang*, 2017.09, 'International Association of Insurance Supervision, ' Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law, Edward Elgar, pp.93-95.(*為通訊作者), 425396, Sep. 2017 |
2017 | 張冠群*, 2017.03, '批判性思考下之保險法立法與判決, ' 元照.(*為通訊作者), 415201, Mar. 2017 |
2015 | 張冠群*, 2015.11, '金融危機後系統性重要銀行及金融機構監理法規之變革──兼評我國台灣現行銀行監理制度, ' 財經法新課題與新趨勢(二), 元照, pp.141-172.(*為通訊作者), 415233, Nov. 2015 |
2015 | Kuan-Chun Chang*, 2015.08, 'Regulating the Moral Hazard of Global Systemically Important Financial Institutions: A Critical Analysis on the Approaches of the Financial Stability Board and the Basel Committee, ' International Economic Law: The Asia-pacific Perspectives, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.352-384.(*為通訊作者), 415230, Aug. 2015 |
2015 | 張冠群*, 2015.06, '申訴理賠, ' 人身保險理賠實務, 財團法人保險事業發展中心, pp.405-492.(*為通訊作者), 409060, Jun. 2015 |
2015 | 張冠群*, 2015.05, '促進科技創業投資之租稅處理, ' 促進我國科技創業發展之相關法制研究, 國研院科技政策中心, pp.420-433.(*為通訊作者), 409061, May. 2015 |
2014 | Kuan-Chun Chang*, 2014.03, 'An Optimal Global Regime for Regulating Credit Rating Agencies in the Post-Financial Crisis Era, ' Frontiers of International Economic Law, Brill, pp.22-41.(*為通訊作者), 403756, Mar. 2014 |
2013 | 張冠群, 2013.01, '基礎法學英文, ' 元照., 386866, Jan. 2013 |
2011 | 張冠群, 2011.08, '台灣保險法重要條文之解構─以保險法三大基礎原則為中心, ' 台灣法制導讀, 元照., 343524, Aug. 2011 |
2011 | Kuan-Chun Chang(張冠群), 2011.07, 'Managing the Climate Change Liability Risk Facing Major Greenhouse Gas Emitters, ' 保險法學之前瞻, 元照, pp.423-500., 343523, Jul. 2011 |
2011 | Kuan-Chun Chang(張冠群), 2011.05, '‧The Present and the Future of Laws and Regulations Regarding the Supervision of Financial Holding Companies in Taiwan, ' 財經法新課題與新趨勢, 元照, pp.339-399., 343525, May. 2011 |
2010 | 張冠群, 2010.03, '兩岸金融監理合作與配套措施, ' 兩岸經貿新契機, 新台灣人文教基金會, pp.20-52., 315068, Mar. 2010 |
2008 | 張冠群, 2008.03, '對美國法學教育中案例教學法與蘇格拉底較學法之觀察-兼論其與台灣教學法之比較, ' 法律專業教育國際比較—以臺日法學教育改革為核心, 政治大學出版社, pp.181-206., 234270, Mar. 2008 |
2007 | Kuan-Chun Chang, 2007, 'An Optimal Legal Regime for The Regulation and Supervision of Financial Conglomerates in China after Its WTO Accession, ' Unpublished Dissertation for SJD Degree., 222726, 2007 |
Project Category | Year | Project Title | Participator | Job Title | Period | Unit |
MOST Projects | 107 | 系統重要性保險人監理必要性之理論與實務分析(2/2) | CHANG KUAN-CHUN | Principal Investigator | 2019.08 ~ 2021.01 | Ministry of Science and Technology |
MOST Projects | 107 | 系統重要性保險人監理必要性之理論與實務分析(1/2) | CHANG KUAN-CHUN | Principal Investigator | 2018.08 ~ 2021.01 | Ministry of Science and Technology |
MOST Projects | 105 | 2015年新修正保險法對保險經紀人義務之研究 | CHANG KUAN-CHUN | Principal Investigator | 2016.08 ~ 2017.09 | Ministry of Science and Technology |
MOST Projects | 104 | 以金融消費者保護法作為課加保險人懲罰性賠償基礎之可行性研究 | CHANG KUAN-CHUN | Principal Investigator | 2015.08 ~ 2016.10 | Ministry of Science and Technology |
MOST Projects | 103 | 科技風險溝通之全方位思考:以科技風險評估、司法救濟與保險填補為綜整-天然巨災之科技風險及以保險方式作為風險管理暨風險溝通工具之政策分析(科技風險溝通導向型研究計畫) | CHANG KUAN-CHUN | Principal Investigator | 2014.12 ~ 2016.05 | Ministry of Science and Technology |
MOST Projects | 103 | 雲端運算之風險管理與保險之法律問題研究 | CHANG KUAN-CHUN | Principal Investigator | 2014.08 ~ 2015.07 | Ministry of Science and Technology |
MOST Projects | 102 | 保險單貼現商品之定性及其最適化監理法規之研究 | CHANG KUAN-CHUN | Principal Investigator | 2013.08 ~ 2014.07 | Ministry of Science and Technology |
MOST Projects | 101 | 強制地震保險法之立法研究 | CHANG KUAN-CHUN | Principal Investigator | 2012.08 ~ 2013.07 | Ministry of Science and Technology |
MOST Projects | 99 | 責任保險法制對氣候變遷之因應(2/2) | CHANG KUAN-CHUN | Principal Investigator | 2011.08 ~ 2012.07 | Ministry of Science and Technology |
MOST Projects | 99 | 責任保險法制對氣候變遷之因應(1/2) | CHANG KUAN-CHUN | Principal Investigator | 2010.08 ~ 2011.07 | Ministry of Science and Technology |
MOST Projects | 98 | 恐怖主義行為風險及其可保性之法制分析 | CHANG KUAN-CHUN | Principal Investigator | 2009.08 ~ 2010.07 | Ministry of Science and Technology |
MOST Projects | 97 | 投資型保險之法律規範及其監理之研究 | CHANG KUAN-CHUN | Principal Investigator | 2008.08 ~ 2009.07 | Ministry of Science and Technology |
Year | Research Title | Publish Date | Authors |
2013 | 張冠群*, 2013.08, '強制地震保險之立法研究, ' 國家科學委員會.(*為通訊作者) | 2013-08-01 | |
2012 | 林勳發*;張冠群;汪信君;林育廷;陳俊仁;曾耀鋒, 2012.12, '金融業投資不動產相關規範之研究, ' 金融監督管理委員會保險局.(*為通訊作者) | 2012-12-01 | |
2011 | 胡韶雯*;張冠群;杜怡靜;郭大維;黃相博, 2011.12, '各國銀行通路辦理保險商品銷售制度之比較研究, ' 金融監督管理委員會銀行局.(*為通訊作者) | 2011-12-01 | |
2010 | 張冠群*, 2010.08, '責任保險法制對氣候變遷之因應, ' 國家科學委員會.(*為通訊作者) | 2010-08-01 | |
2010 | 張冠群*, 2010.08, '恐怖主義行為風險及其可保性之法制分析, ' 國家科學委員會.(*為通訊作者) | 2010-08-01 | |
2010 | 林勳發;林國彬;張冠群;葉啟洲;曾耀鋒;高添富, 2010.06, '人身保險要保書監理規範之研究, ' 金融監督管理委員會保險局. | 2010-06-01 | |
2010 | 林勳發*;汪信君;張冠群;葉啟洲;曾耀鋒, 2010.05, '強化住宅地震保險法制基礎, ' 財團法人住宅地震保險基金.(*為通訊作者) | 2010-05-01 | |
2009 | 林勳發;汪信君;張冠群;葉啟洲, 2009.10, '保險業資訊皆露之國際接軌, ' 行政院金融監督管理委員會保險局. | 2009-10-01 | |
2009 | 張冠群*, 2009.08, '投資型保險之法律規範及其監理之研究, ' 國家科學委員會.(*為通訊作者) | 2009-08-01 | |
2008 | 林勳發;汪信君;張冠群;廖淑惠, 2008.03, '財產保險安定基金之法律制度, ' 財團法人財產保險安定基金. | 2008-03-01 | |
2007 | 張冠群, 2007.12, '美國保險安定基金之法律規範及組織型態, ' 財團法人財產保險 安定基金. | 2007-12-01 |
Country | School Name | Department | Degree | Duration |
UNITED STATES | 美國喬治城大學 | 法學系 | 博士 | 2002.08 ~ 2007.05 |
UNITED STATES | 美國波士頓大學 | 法學系 | 碩士 | 2001.08 ~ 2002.05 |
UNITED STATES | 美國賓州大學 | 法學系 | 碩士 | 2000.08 ~ 2001.05 |
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA | 國立政治大學 | 風險與保險學系 | 碩士 | 1997.09 ~ 2000.06 |
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA | 國立政治大學 | 法律學系 | 學士 | 1993.09 ~ 1997.06 |
Experience Category | Organization Title | Department | Job Title | Duration |
Current | NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY | Department of Law | 教授 | 2018.01 ~ 2020.06 |
Current | NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY | Department of Law | 教授 | 2015.02 ~ 2015.02 |
Current | NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY | Department of Law | 副教授 | 2013.01 ~ 2015.02 |
Current | NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY | Department of Law | 副教授 | 2011.02 ~ 2013.01 |
Current | NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY | Department of Law | 助理教授 | 2007.08 ~ 2011.02 |
Experience | 財團法人汽車交通事故別補償基金 | 顧問 | 2018.01 ~ 2020.12 | |
Experience | 財團法人保險事業發展中心 | 董事 | 2018.01 ~ 2020.02 | |
Experience | 財團法人金融消費評議中心 | 總經理兼評議主任委員 | 2015.02 ~ 2017.12 | |
Experience | 政治大學 | 國際合作事務處 | 委員 | 2012.08 ~ 2013.07 |
Experience | WIN網路贏家單一窗口 | 顧問 | 2011.01 ~ 2013.12 | |
Experience | 財團法人保險事業發展中心 | 綜合業務處 | 保險理賠爭議調處委員會委員 | 2011.01 ~ 2013.12 |
Experience | 行政院金融監督管理委員會 | 保險局 | 投資型保險商品審查委員 | 2011.01 ~ 2013.12 |
Experience | 財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 | 學術組 | 證券暨期貨金櫞獎評審委員 | 2009.04 ~ 2010.04 |
Experience | 司法人員訓練所 | 金融法專題研討講師 | 2009.04 ~ 2009.04 | |
Experience | 政治大學法學評論 | Associate Editor | 2009.03 ~ 2009.03 | |
Experience | 政治大學 | 學生團體保險改革諮詢委員 | 2009.03 ~ Up to today | |
Experience | 政治大學 | 法學院 | 財經法研究中心主任 | 2009.03 ~ Up to today |
Experience | 政治大學 | 法學院 | 審稿委員 | 2008.09 ~ 2010.07 |
Experience | 中央健康保險局 | 保險法講座 | 2008.09 ~ 2008.12 | |
Experience | 政治大學 | 法律系辯論隊指導老師 | 2008.08 ~ 2008.10 | |
Experience | 政治大學 | 國合處 | 交換生徵試英大組口試委員 | 2008.02 ~ 2008.02 |
Experience | 行政院經濟建設委員會 | 經社法制論叢 | 審稿委員 | 2007.11 ~ 2007.12 |
Experience | 政治大學 | 交換生徵試英大組口試委員 | 2007.06 ~ 2007.06 | |
Experience | 政大法學評論 |
Honor Category | Year | Award Name | Awarding Unit |
Inside School | 107 | 資深優良教師 (10年) | 國立政治大學 |