Student Thesis

106 The Feasibility Study for Insurance Distribution by Corporation among Life Insurance Brokers 羅映宗 PENG JIN-LUNG、LIN JAN-JUY 2013/07
107 Asset Modeling with Non-Gaussian Innovation and Applications to Asset Allocation CHEN,HSUAN-YU HUANG HONG-CHIH 2013/07
108 影響壽險業外勤業務據點營運績效因素之研究 王韋瀚 WANG LI-LING、PENG JIN-LUNG 2013/07
109 An Analysis for People on the Demand of Long-term Care Insurance and the Attitude toward Nursing Institution in Taiwan LIN,CHI-YI WANG LI-LING 2013/07
110 The Association between Quality Risk Management and Financial Performance: Evidence of Manufacturing Industry in Taiwan TSAI, YI-CHUN CHEN TSAI-JYH 2013/06
111 The Study on Legal Issues of Double Insurance and Other Insurance 林佑昇 LIN HSIN-FA 2013/06
112 The Default Predicted Model of Foreign Financial Institutions-An Application of Merton Model 郭名峻 TSAI CHENG-HSIEN 2013/06
113 Reform of the Duty of Disclosure in Insurance Contract Law-Focusing on the Principle of Considerarion Equivalence and Consumer Protection 鄭子薇 YEH CHI-CHOU 2013/06
114 A Study on the Trigger of Coverage in Liability Insurance Policy 何克 LIN HSIN-FA 2013/01
115 Asset Allocation and Capital Forbearance on The Fair Premium of Ex-Ante Life Insurance Guarantee Fund Scheme 蕭聿恩 CHANG SHIH-CHIEH 2012/12
116 論全民健康保險之心理危險因素-以個人健康管理之風險控制為核心 陳俞沛 LIN JAN-JUY 2012/12
117 Applications of Heavy-Tailed Distributions in Finance and Actuarial Science LIU, I-CHIEN HUANG HONG-CHIH 2012/09
118 Research on Catastrophe Bond and the Insurance Securitization on Residential Earthquake Insurance of Taiwan 黃幼霓 CHENG CHI-SHIH、LIN HSIN-FA 2012/07
119 The Relationship between Occupational Health & Safety Risk Management and Firm Financial Performance CHEN, SSU-YU CHEN TSAI-JYH 2012/07
120 Fair Insurance Guaranty Premium in the Presence of Regulatory Forbearance 鄭力瑀 CHANG SHIH-CHIEH 2012/07