Student Thesis

91 The Impacts of National Health Insurance on the Private Health Insurance Market and Medical Care Utilization: Evidence from Taiwan LIU,WEN-PIN WANG LI-LING 2014/03
92 The Impact of Bancassurance on the Performance of Life Insurance Companies in Taiwan 劉庭禎 CHEN TSAI-JYH 2014/01
93 合作銀行之特性對保險業務品質影響之研究 楊書齊 WANG LI-LING、PENG JIN-LUNG 2014/01
94 The Study on Constructing Bancassurance Indicators for Taiwan 陳虹羽 PENG JIN-LUNG 2014/01
95 On the Performance Determinants of New Life Insurance Agents 林旭 TSAI CHENG-HSIEN 2014/01
96 合作銀行之特性對保險業務品質影響之研究 楊書齊 WANG LI-LING、PENG JIN-LUNG 2014/01
97 Non-Indemnity Based Flood Insurance 馬嘉嶸 LIN HSIN-FA 2013/10
98 A Study of Mortality Compression and Longevity Risk HSIEH, PEI-WEN YUE CHING-SYANG 2013/07
99 Constructing Life Tables by Marriage Status in Taiwan TSAI,I-SUAN YUE CHING-SYANG 2013/07
100 Corporate Managerial Officers' Legal Risk and Transfer Mechanisms 湯璧瑄 CHENG CHI-SHIH 2013/07
101 The Impact of Diversification on Risk-taking in the Financial Holding Companies 簡湘庭 CHEN TSAI-JYH 2013/07
102 Capital Allocation in Total Balance Sheet Management for Financial Conglomerates: An Emprical Study HSIAO, XIAO, WEI-XIANG CHANG SHIH-CHIEH 2013/07
103 Capital Allocation and Performance Analysis in Financial Holding Company: Empirical Study of Cathay Financial Holdings HUANG, HSIN-MEI CHANG SHIH-CHIEH 2013/07
104 An Empirical Study of Window Dressing Behavior in Taiwan Life Insurance Industry 王彥文 CHANG SHIH-CHIEH 2013/07
105 The Analysis of Performance Attribution Model of Life Insurance Company 謝耘曦 CHANG SHIH-CHIEH 2013/07