Student Thesis

61 The Protection of Beneficiary in Life Insurance:Focusing on the Restriction of Proposer’s Disposition PAN , YU-LAN YEH CHI-CHOU 2015/01
62 A Study of Elderly Mortality Models and Their Applications in Annuity Insurance CHEN, YI-SHIUAN YUE CHING-SYANG 2014/11
63 The Role of Tontine Annuity Schemes in Longevity Risk 王湘惠 HSIEH MING-HUA 2014/08
64 The Impact of Corporate Image on Operating Performance of Life Insurers in Taiwan 倪世涵 CHEN TSAI-JYH 2014/07
65 Optimal Asset Allocation Incorporating Real Estate 盧侑萱 CHANG SHIH-CHIEH 2014/07
66 Optimal Portfolio Management with Downside Risk Control LIU,JOU-YEN CHANG SHIH-CHIEH、CHENG TSUNG-CHI 2014/07
67 兩岸人壽保險業資產配置之研究 王瑞秋 CHANG SHIH-CHIEH 2014/07
68 Estimating the Liquidity Premium of Insurance Liability 李秉靜 CHANG SHIH-CHIEH 2014/07
69 A Study on the Legal Liability of Solicitors to Consumers in Bancassurance WANG, YING-WEN LIN JAN-JUY、PENG JIN-LUNG 2014/07
70 The Operation Form and Analysis of Compulsory Insurance in Taiwan-A Study of Student Group Insurance CHENG, NAI-HSUAN PENG JIN-LUNG 2014/07
71 A Study on Notice Duty of Personal Information Protection Act in Taiwan: The Insurance Distribution Channels Perspective 胡雅筑 PENG JIN-LUNG 2014/07
72 A Study on the Legal Liability of Solicitors to Consumers in Bancassurance WANG, YING-WEN LIN JAN-JUY、PENG JIN-LUNG 2014/07
73 The Impact of Subsidiary Combination and Dual-Engine Strategies on Financial Holding Companies' Performance and Risk 徐士閎 PENG JIN-LUNG、WANG LI-LING 2014/07
74 The Study of Medical Cost of ESRD in Taiwan WANG, YI-CHUNG HUANG HONG-CHIH、LIN SHIH-KUEI 2014/07
75 A Study on the Development and Primary Issues of Group Casualty Insurance Policies and Blanket Casualty Group Insurance Policies 陳榆姍 LIN HSIN-FA 2014/07