Student Thesis

46 A Discussion on the Natural Hedging Strategy in Longevity Risk-A Case of Money-Back Annuity CHANG, CHUN-WEI HUANG HONG-CHIH、YANG SHARON S. 2015/07
47 以技術分析建構市場指標投資台灣股票市場 LAI, Hsin Yuan HUANG HONG-CHIH 2015/07
48 Using Taiwan National Health Insurance Database to Explore the Need of Long-term Care CHEANG, CHI SAN HUANG HONG-CHIH、YUE CHING-SYANG 2015/07
49 The Impact of Dynamic Surrender Rates on Life Insurance Premiums and Reserves 徐宇喬 TSAI CHENG-HSIEN 2015/07
50 壽險業信用風險係數之探討 WANG, YA-LING TSAI CHENG-HSIEN 2015/07
51 The Asymmetric Information Problem of Diretors' and Officers' Liability Insurance 陳怡均 WANG LI-LING、PENG JIN-LUNG 2015/07
52 A study on the disputes of applying the utmost good faith and the principle of consideration equivalence in Insurance Contract Law to the New Personal Data Protection Law 張一合 YEH CHI-CHOU 2015/07
53 A Study on Practical Disputes about Contractors' All Risks Insurance and Endorsements LIN, YEN-JU YEH CHI-CHOU 2015/07
54 Supervision Mechanism and Regulations for Insurance Brokers in Taiwan: A View from the Penalties after 2012 郭姿君 YEH CHI-CHOU 2015/07
55 The Study on Regulatory Framework of Captive Insurance: Proposal for Regulatory Reform of the Offshore Insurance Unit (OIU) in Taiwan 蔡信華 LIN JAN-JUY 2015/06
56 A Study on the Future of Medical Liability Insurance-A Proposal for Establishing Mutual Insurance Institute CHEN, CHUN-WEI CHANG KUAN-CHUN 2015/02
57 The Legal Analysis of Kiosk's Insurance Services 黃立其 PENG JIN-LUNG 2015/01
58 The Convergence of Bancassurance Regulations in Taiwan 彭莉萍 PENG JIN-LUNG 2015/01
59 Liability Driven Asset Allocation and Fixed Income Management 廖珂平 CHANG SHIH-CHIEH、CHENG TSUNG-CHI 2015/01
60 The Asymmetric Information Problem of Bancassurance in Life Insurance Company - A Study on Whole Life Health Insurance CHI,WAN-TING WANG LI-LING、PENG JIN-LUNG 2015/01