Student Thesis

附最低保證變額年金保險最適資產配置及準備金研究 CHEN, SHANG-WEI HUANG HONG-CHIH 2011/07
IG-GARJI模型下之住宅抵押貸款保險評價 LIN, SZU-TSEN HUANG HONG-CHIH 2011/07
台灣壽險業經營穩定度決定因素之研究 蔡火炎 WANG LI-LING 2011/07
我國連鎖便利商店涉入保險相關服務之法律與監理問題之研究 鄭筱璇 PENG JIN-LUNG、YEH CHI-CHOU 2011/07
The empirical study for the relationship between corporate image and financial and underwriting aspects of life insurance companies in Taiwan 萬憶蓮 CHEN TSAI-JYH 2011/06
我國壽險業於RBC實施前後經營風險與資本關係之研究 TSAI, WEI-JER CHEN TSAI-JYH 2011/06
企業實施環境風險管理對資金成本與財務績效影響之實證分析 CHANG, SHU-YUN CHEN TSAI-JYH 2011/06
Asset Allocation Bankruptcy Problems of Insurance Company in General Financial Models 楊尚穎 CHANG SHIH-CHIEH 2011/06
The study of embedded liquidity premium in pension benefit selections YANG, SHU-HAN CHANG SHIH-CHIEH 2011/06
人壽保險業之資產配置決策及影響評估 蔡沛然 CHANG SHIH-CHIEH 2011/06
人壽保險市場股權融資與限額風險移轉 曾柏馨 CHANG SHIH-CHIEH 2011/06
A Study on the Insured Peril and Occurrence Notification Obligation in Liability Insurance LI, CHIA-HSING LIN HSIN-FA 2011/06
A Study on the Solvency Capital Requirements of the Life Insurance Companies in Taiwan--Estimated in Solcency II QIS5 Principles 林正國 TSAI CHENG-HSIEN 2011/06
責任保險契約當事人於危險事故發生後之義務-以英美相關法制為核心 李志峰 LIN JAN-JUY 2011/03
解約率模型建構及應用--台灣壽險經驗 CHIU, PEI-CHUAN HUANG HONG-CHIH 2011/01