Journal Paper

Year Paper Title
2009 王儷玲;黃泓智;楊曉文;蔡子晧, 2009, 'An Optimal Product Mix for Hedging Longevity Risk in Life Insurance Companies: The Immunization Theory Approach, ' Journal of Risk and Insurance,.(SSCI)(本論著未刊登但已被接受), vol. 289261, 2009
2009 王儷玲;彭金隆;陳麗如, 2009, 'Financial Integration and Economies of Scope: A Cross-Industry Analysis of Bancassurance in Taiwan, ' Journal of Insurance Issues,.(本論著未刊登但已被接受), vol. 289254, 2009
2009 王儷玲, 2009, 'Financial Integration and Economies of Scope: A Cross-Industry Analysis of Bancassurance in Taiwan, ' Journal of Insurance Issue, Vol.31, No.2, pp.120-151.(本論著未刊登但已被接受), vol. 274666, 2009
2008 陳俊元*;陳志詳, 2008.12, '論保險代位之被保險人優先受償模式(上), ' 政大法學評論, No.106, pp.151-202.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 409564, Dec. 2008
2008 鄭士卿*, 2008.12, 'Organizational Form, Keiretsu, Efficiency and Productivity:An Analysis of Japanese Commercial Banking Industry, ' 財務金融學刊, Vol.16, No.4, pp.61-106.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 214769, Dec. 2008
2008 彭金隆*;林建智*;邱弘元, 2008.12, '由國際金融集團資本適足規範論我國金融控股公司資本監理制度, ' 保險專刊, Vol.24, No.2, pp.123-151.(*為通訊作者), vol. 292284, Dec. 2008
2008 陳彩稚*, 2008.12, 'The Trend of Risk Management research and Practice in Taiwan/, ' The Journal of Risk Management (Korean Society of Risk Management), Vol.19, No.2, pp.29-66.(*為通訊作者), vol. 306114, Dec. 2008
2008 黃泓智*;吳久傑;林左裕;鄭雅豐, 2008.11, 'The Application of Reverse Mortgages in Aging Society/ 風險管理學報第10卷第3期, ' 風險管理學報第10卷第3期,.(*為通訊作者), vol. 293949, Nov. 2008
2008 黃泓智*;余清祥;楊曉文, 2008.09, 'An Empirical Study of Mortality Models in Taiwan, ' Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol.3, No.1, pp.150-164.(*為通訊作者), vol. 261845, Sep. 2008
2008 鄭士卿;Gene C. Lai*, 2008.09, 'The Impact of Deregulation and Liberalization on Efficiency: An Analysis of the Life Insurance Industry in Taiwan from 1981-2004, ' Risk Management and Insurance Review,.(*為通訊作者), vol. 227838, Sep. 2008